142 research outputs found

    On robustness and dynamics in (un)balanced coalitional games

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    We build upon control theoretic concepts like robustness and dynamics to better accommodate all the situations where the coalitions’ values are uncertain and subject to changes over time. The proposed robust dynamic framework provides an alternative perspective on the study of sequences of coalitional games or interval valued games. For a sequence of coalitional games, either balanced or unbalanced, we analyze the key roles of instantaneous and average games. Instantaneous games are obtained by freezing the coalitions’ values at a given time and come into play when coalitions’ values are known. On the other hand, average games are derived from averaging the coalitions’ values up to a given time and are key part of our analysis when coalitions’ values are unknown. The main theoretical contribution of our paper is a design method of allocation rules that return solutions in the core and/or Ï”\epsilon-core of the instantaneous and average games. Theoretical results are then specialized to a simulated example to shed light on the impact of the design method and on the performance of the resulting allocation rules

    Robust Dynamic Cooperative Games

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    Classical cooperative game theory is no longer a suitable tool for those situations where the values of coalitions are not known with certainty. Recent works address situations where the values of coalitions are modelled by random variables. In this work we still consider the values of coalitions as uncertain, but model them as unknown but bounded disturbances. We do not focus on solving a specific game, but rather consider a family of games described by a polyhedron: each point in the polyhedron is a vector of coalitions’ values and corresponds to a specific game. We consider a dynamic context where while we know with certainty the average value of each coalition on the long run, at each time such a value is unknown and fluctuates within the bounded polyhedron. Then, it makes sense to define “robust” allocation rules, i.e., allocation rules that bound, within a pre- defined threshold, a so-called complaint vector while guaranteeing a certain average (over time) allocation vector. We also present as motivating example a joint replenishment application

    Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks through Mean-Field Games

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    Emulation, mimicry, and herding behaviors are phenomena that are observed when multiple social groups interact. To study such phenomena, we consider in this paper a large population of homogeneous social networks. Each such network is characterized by a vector state, a vector-valued controlled input and a vector-valued exogenous disturbance. The controlled input of each network is to align its state to the mean distribution of other networks’ states in spite of the actions of the disturbance. One of the contributions of this paper is a detailed analysis of the resulting mean field game for the cases of both polytopic and L2 bounds on controls and disturbances. A second contribution is the establishment of a robust mean-field equilibrium, that is, a solution including the worst-case value function, the state feedback best-responses for the controlled inputs and worst-case disturbances, and a density evolution. This solution is characterized by the property that no player can benefit from a unilateral deviation even in the presence of the disturbance. As a third contribution, microscopic and macroscopic analyses are carried out to show convergence properties of the population distribution using stochastic stability theory

    Dynamic demand and mean-field games

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    Within the realm of smart buildings and smart cities, dynamic response management is playing an ever-increasing role thus attracting the attention of scientists from different disciplines. Dynamic demand response management involves a set of operations aiming at decentralizing the control of loads in large and complex power networks. Each single appliance is fully responsive and readjusts its energy demand to the overall network load. A main issue is related to mains frequency oscillations resulting from an unbalance between supply and demand. In a nutshell, this paper contributes to the topic by equipping each signal consumer with strategic insight. In particular, we highlight three main contributions and a few other minor contributions. First, we design a mean-field game for a population of thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs), study the mean-field equilibrium for the deterministic mean-field game and investigate on asymptotic stability for the microscopic dynamics. Second, we extend the analysis and design to uncertain models which involve both stochastic or deterministic disturbances. This leads to robust mean-field equilibrium strategies guaranteeing stochastic and worst-case stability, respectively. Minor contributions involve the use of stochastic control strategies rather than deterministic, and some numerical studies illustrating the efficacy of the proposed strategies

    Team Theory and Person-by-Person Optimization with Binary Decisions.

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    In this paper, we extend the notion of person-by-person (pbp) optimization to binary decision spaces. The novelty of our approach is the adaptation to a dynamic team context of notions borrowed from the pseudo-boolean optimization field as completely local-global or unimodal functions and submodularity. We also generalize the concept of pbp optimization to the case where groups of mm decisions makers make joint decisions sequentially, which we refer to as mmbmm optimization. The main contribution is a description of sufficient conditions, verifiable in polynomial time, under which a pbp or an mmbmm optimization algorithm converges to the team-optimum. As a second contribution, we present a local and greedy algorithm characterized by approximate decision strategies (i.e., strategies based on a local state vector) that return the same decisions as in the complete information framework (where strategies are based on full state vector). As a last contribution, we also show that there exists a subclass of submodular team problems, recognizable in polynomial time, for which the pbp optimization converges for at least an opportune initialization of the algorithm

    Crowd-Averse Cyber-Physical Systems: The Paradigm of Robust Mean Field Games

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    For a networked controlled system we illustrate the paradigm of robust mean-field games. This is a modeling framework at the interface of differential game theory, mathematical physics, and H1-optimal control that tries to capture the mutual influence between a crowd and its individuals. First, we establish a mean-field system for such games including the effects of adversarial disturbances. Second, we identify the optimal response of the individuals for a given population behavior. Third, we provide an analysis of equilibria and their stability

    Finite Alphabet Control of Logistic Networks with Discrete Uncertainty

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    We consider logistic networks in which the control and disturbance inputs take values in finite sets. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of robustly control invariant (hyperbox) sets. We show that a stronger version of this condition is sufficient to guarantee robust global attractivity, and we construct a counterexample demonstrating that it is not necessary. Being constructive, our proofs of sufficiency allow us to extract the corresponding robust control laws and to establish the invariance of certain sets. Finally, we highlight parallels between our results and existing results in the literature, and we conclude our study with two simple illustrative examples

    Dynamic Coalitional TU Games: Distributed Bargaining among Players' Neighbors

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    We consider a sequence of transferable utility (TU) games where, at each time, the characteristic function is a random vector with realizations restricted to some set of values. The game differs from other ones in the literature on dynamic, stochastic or interval valued TU games as it combines dynamics of the game with an allocation protocol for the players that dynamically interact with each other. The protocol is an iterative and decentralized algorithm that offers a paradigmatic mathematical description of negotiation and bargaining processes. The first part of the paper contributes to the definition of a robust (coalitional) TU game and the development of a distributed bargaining protocol. We prove the convergence with probability 1 of the bargaining process to a random allocation that lies in the core of the robust game under some mild conditions on the underlying communication graphs. The second part of the paper addresses the more general case where the robust game may have empty core. In this case, with the dynamic game we associate a dynamic average game by averaging over time the sequence of characteristic functions. Then, we consider an accordingly modified bargaining protocol. Assuming that the sequence of characteristic functions is ergodic and the core of the average game has a nonempty relative interior, we show that the modified bargaining protocol converges with probability 1 to a random allocation that lies in the core of the average game

    Crowd-Averse Robust Mean-Field Games: Approximation via State Space Extension

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    We consider a population of dynamic agents, also referred to as players. The state of each player evolves according to a linear stochastic differential equation driven by a Brownian motion and under the influence of a control and an adversarial disturbance. Every player minimizes a cost functional which involves quadratic terms on state and control plus a crosscoupling mean-field term measuring the congestion resulting from the collective behavior, which motivates the term “crowdaverse”. Motivations for this model are analyzed and discussed in three main contexts: a stock market application, a production engineering example, and a dynamic demand management problem in power systems. For the problem in its abstract formulation, we illustrate the paradigm of robust mean-field games. Main contributions involve first the formulation of the problem as a robust mean-field game; second, the development of a new approximate solution approach based on the extension of the state space; third, a relaxation method to minimize the approximation error. Further results are provided for the scalar case, for which we establish performance bounds, and analyze stochastic stability of both the microscopic and the macroscopic dynamics

    Decomposition and Mean-Field Approach to Mixed Integer Optimal Compensation Problems

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    Mixed integer optimal compensation deals with optimization problems with integer- and real-valued control variables to compensate disturbances in dynamic systems. The mixed integer nature of controls could lead to intractability in problems of large dimensions. To address this challenge, we introduce a decomposition method which turns the original n-dimensional optimization problem into n independent scalar problems of lot sizing form. Each of these problems can be viewed as a two-player zero-sum game, which introduces some element of conservatism. Each scalar problem is then reformulated as a shortest path one and solved through linear programming over a receding horizon, a step that mirrors a standard procedure in mixed integer programming. We apply the decomposition method to a mean-field coupled multi-agent system problem, where each agent seeks to compensate a combination of an exogenous signal and the local state average. We discuss a large population mean-field type of approximation and extend our study to opinion dynamics in social networks as a special case of interest
